The Society for Calligraphy & Handwriting’s (SCH) next meeting is Thursday, January 19th, at 7pm at First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue in room UC-105. Please view our meetings page for the address and directions.

Lisa Tsang will be presenting Asemic Writing, the appearance of being a written language but has no meaning. It is an abstraction of conventional writing and is aesthetically pleasing, so it can enhance a calligraphic work or be the art itself.

Please bring a flat and pointed brush (any size) or a favorite tool (parallel pens are fine), your favorite writing fluid, water container, palette and paper towels. Lisa will supply paper and inspiration. The supply fee is $3.00.

Enjoy participating in an optional raffle for $2.00. Visitors are welcome to attend to see if they would like to join our guild. We look forward to seeing you there!