The Society for Calligraphy & Handwriting (SCH) offers these resources for members and non-members interested in calligraphy and handwriting.
Handwriting Improvement
Getty-Dubay – Handwriting Success
Michael Sull – American Cursive Handwriting
A Basic Calligraphy Tool Kit Includes
- selection of pen nibs
- pen holders
- watercolor brush
- water brush (brush holder fills with water)
- ink (black and walnut)
- pen wipe
- toothbrush (for cleaning nibs)
- lettering guide
- slant board
- gouache paints (black, red, yellow and blue)
- mixing brush
- palette
- pipette
- papers for intended project (including tracing paper)
- pencils and a pencil sharpener
- erasers (white plastic, kneaded, and black)
- felt-tip pens
- rulers (metal, corked backed and a c-thru or small Omnigrid)
- x-acto knife
- cutting mat
- scissors
- removeable tape
- blue painter’s tape
- bone folder
- triangle or square
- glue or glue stick
- double stick tape
- water container
- paper towels or rags
- paper clips
- loupe or magnifying glass
- small pliers
- notebook
- camera
- portable container for the art supplies
A Suggested Traveling Calligraphy Toolkit Includes
- collapsible water container
- selection of nibs, holder
- pencil and eraser (white, plastic, kneaded)
- pencil sharpener
- ink or gouache (3 primary colors, black and white in specimen jars)
- mixing brush
- palette
- pipette
- water brush (brush holder fills with water)
- ruler (c-thru/metal)
- X-acto knife
- small cutting mat
- bone-folder
- emery paper/crocus
- tracing paper
- removable tape
- small notebook
- small pliers
- scissors
- glue stick
- tooth brush (for cleaning nibs)
- blue painters tape
- pen wipe
- sponge
Society for Calligraphy and Handwritings boasts a small members-only library of manuals, letterjournals, and periodicals. Our current catalog can be found here.