On November 2nd and 3rd, 2019 the Society for Calligraphy & Handwriting (SCH) will be hosting the workshop, “Cascading Capitals” with Suzie Beringer in Shoreline, WA.
In this workshop Suzie will begin by showing us how to look at monoline Roman Capitals—working through their basic shapes. Then with a series of carefully planned exercises she will show us how to take these capitals on a ride by taking off their training wheels (guidelines) and letting them fly! The end result will be a visual texture created by the cascading, trickling and scattering of letters—based on your design.
Suzie Beringer is an artist/calligrapher who makes her home in the Pacific Northwest. She has a degree in commercial art with a lifetime passion for calligraphy. She is a designer, and talented artist who enjoys teaching.
For more information and the registration form, please view the workshops page on our website. As of October 1st there are only 6 spots lefts, so register quickly. We look forward to seeing you there!