On November 12, 2016 the Society for Calligraphy & Handwriting (SCH) will be sponsoring the workshop, “Modern Versals with Carol DuBosch” in Renton, WA.

Artwork by Carol DuBosch

Modern Versals are the extremely popular contemporary capitals that can be used in a variety of ways, both expressive and traditional.

The clean look of these letters gives them a compelling charm and enables them to be used in just about any calligraphy layout. The pen-written built-up forms require careful attention to detail and are best done with opaque gouache.

The letters can be adapted to the text and the lettering artist has a chance to make design choices along the way. We lettering artists have a chance to make design choices along the way. We will work with several pen sizes, beginning large and moving to a smaller pen size. Experience with a broad-pen is needed.

Carol DuBosch teaches and practices calligraphy in Portland, Oregon. She has taught workshops throughout the country and many International Calligraphy Conferences.

For more information and the registration form, please view the workshops page on our website. Please join us for this fun and educational workshop. We look forward to seeing you there!